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Li Yuanheng was awarded as the advanced unit of donating funds to run schools in Huicheng District


         Autumn and September, fruitful branches. Today is the 36th teacher's day in China. In the morning, Huicheng District held a celebration meeting of 2020 teachers' day, in which a group of advanced units and individuals, including famous principals, famous teachers and class teachers, were commended. The conference summed up the education work in the past year and worked together to plan for a higher quality development of Huicheng's education. Liu guangbin, Secretary of the District Committee, presided over the meeting. Zhai Shuyu, deputy secretary of the District Committee and district chief, and Chen Guangwen, Gao Lijie and Chen Junjie, leaders of the District, attended the meeting.


Huicheng District 2020 teachers' Day celebration meeting

At the meeting, Liu guangbin, on behalf of the district Party committee and the district government, extended holiday greetings to the comrades working hard on the educational front! To the units and individuals to express warm congratulations! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people from all walks of life who have been caring and supporting the development of Huicheng education for a long time!

Create first class education and build first class city

"Education is a long-term plan. As the political, economic and cultural center of Huizhou City, Huicheng District has gathered the most high-end talents. In the construction of a first-class central city, education is our biggest resource and core competitiveness, and education should be the first." Liu guangbin stressed that education, as the biggest livelihood, has attracted the attention of the people. In recent years, in the face of the growing demand for education and people's livelihood, Huicheng has invested a lot of money and energy to build schools, excellent teachers and strengthen education, and education has made great progress. Liu guangbin stressed that the development of Huicheng District can be expected in the future. The District Committee and government are confident and determined to make the economic and social development better, invest more resources in people's livelihood, invest in education, create first-class education, attract first-class talents and build a first-class central city.

"At present, there is still a phenomenon of" attaching importance to scores and neglecting quality "in our current education concept. It is necessary to carry out the "moral education" throughout education and promote the all-round development of students. " Liu guangbin required that examination oriented education should be combined with quality education, educators should constantly improve their own quality, teach by example, teach children without discrimination, and educate children to become useful talents; public and private should develop simultaneously, take the development model of "public + private" and "foundation + characteristics", do a good job in inclusive education, at the same time, create characteristic campus culture, characteristic education brand, let teaching Education adds competitiveness to the business environment.

The salary of contract teachers will be greatly improved

"In recent years, in the face of the growing demand for schooling and the contradiction between supply and demand, Huicheng District Party committee and government have invested a lot of money to build schools and introduce teachers. Some excellent teachers have passed the examination but failed to come. Why? Because our teachers' income needs to be improved. " Liu guangbin stressed that the construction of schools and the introduction of talents should be carried out at the same time. At the same time, we should increase investment in education and speed up the construction of schools, and constantly optimize the teaching staff. We should try every means to improve the salary of contract teachers, so that excellent contract teachers are willing to stay, stand firmly on the platform, and are willing to contribute to Huicheng education.

Liu guangbin requires that both investment and burden reduction should be carried out simultaneously. All units in the district should create an environment for educators to devote themselves to doing things on campus. All departments in towns and streets should ensure that things outside the campus are done well. There should be less "small hands holding big hands" activities and more care and attention.

"Every one of us is from a student to today, I still feel grateful for my teacher's words and deeds, and guide me to continue to move forward," Liu guangbin said. The district Party committee and government will continue to support education and teachers. He called on the whole district to work together to promote the development of Huicheng's education and make Huicheng a more happy place!

"Let the majority of teachers have a more sense of income and treatment, ensure that they adhere to the" two equal ", so that teachers can better share the fruits of Huicheng's development." At the meeting, Zhai Shuyu disclosed in his speech that Huicheng District will take practical measures to narrow or even narrow the income gap between contract teachers and in-service teachers, so that teachers can work in Huicheng and educate children in urban areas. At the same time, plans will be made to further improve the allowance for class teachers, especially excellent class teachers, so that teachers who have made more efforts will get more returns.

Zhai Shuyu pointed out that over the years, education investment in Huicheng District has accounted for more than 43% of the public budget revenue and more than 30% of the total financial expenditure. Each year, about 10000 primary and secondary school and kindergarten degrees have been added, constantly meeting the needs of the masses for schooling, and the education in Huicheng District is showing an increasingly good development trend. Zhai Shuyu demanded that educators in the whole region should never forget their original intention and bear in mind the mission of Building Morality and cultivating people; they should speed up the improvement of short boards and promote the balanced development of high quality education; they should adhere to the principle of quality first and strive to create first-class education quality; they should practice as a teacher's model and carry forward the cultivation of noble teacher's ethics. The district Party committee and the district government will, as always, give priority to the development of education, be enthusiastic about teachers, improve their treatment, safeguard their rights and interests, help teachers solve practical difficulties and problems, and create a good platform for teachers to display their talents. I hope that the majority of teachers will live up to their trust, work hard, realize the value of life in the great cause of teaching and educating people, and make new and greater contributions to Huicheng's construction of the first-class central city in China!

Do a good job in education and teaching under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control

It is understood that in recent years, the district Party committee and the district government have insisted on taking education as the greatest livelihood of the people, giving priority to, balanced and high-quality development of education. Good achievements have been made in education and great progress has been made in education. In particular, since this year, Huicheng District has strengthened the organization and leadership of the epidemic prevention and control work in the education system, done a good job in the prevention and control of the campus epidemic situation precisely and meticulously, and achieved the goal of zero infection of teachers and students in the education system; actively implemented the "special plan", and continuously expanded the supply of academic degrees.

In terms of talent introduction, Huicheng District has carried out innovative recruitment of 70 teachers for college graduates, completed the recruitment of 150 teachers in the Department and 330 teachers under contract system, which enriched a group of high-quality and professional outstanding young teachers.

This year, Huicheng District's high school entrance examination results are brilliant, the excellent investment online college entrance examination has achieved a zero breakthrough, the undergraduate online rate has increased by 8.87%, marking a successful end to the urban high school education; the total value of the "three rates and one level" of the high school entrance examination has continued to break through, with a large number of high-level students, a substantial increase in the enrollment ratio, and a steady improvement in the quality of teaching.


List of advanced educational units and individuals in Huicheng District in 2020

Huicheng District advanced unit of donating funds to run schools

Guangdong LyricRobot Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd

Huizhou bailihong Holding Co., Ltd

Huizhou Jiuhui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Huizhou Zhonghai Hongyang Real Estate Co., Ltd

Huizhou Internet Association



It was awarded "Huizhou charity contribution award of 2019" by Huizhou poverty alleviation and development leading group.


It was awarded the title of "school bus donation unit for rural education and Rural Revitalization" issued by Huizhou Private Entrepreneurs Association.


(source: released by Huichenghttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8q_h1zlchVvzqrkIMhThEw