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Struggle is to do what others can't do and stick to what others can't


Struggle is to do what others can't do and stick to what others can't

青春不打烊 奋斗正当时.jpg


In 2010, a young man threw himself into the automation industry with confusion about the future, and started the struggle with Liyuanheng start-up team. But he didn't expect that he would stay in this industry for so long, from three years to five years, to ten years; to meet his other half here; to change from an ordinary engineer to an independent technical manager.

Now let's go into summer's growth history to learn about the man who grew up with the company.


01You need to love your work from the bottom of your heart


"Every job has a period of confusion and confusion. In the stage of running in and learning, you will encounter great psychological pressure. If you don't like and love this job from your heart, this pressure will crush you."

This "lengtouqing" set foot in the automation industry with a try mentality. After entering the company, he began to map diligently. Perhaps he had been confused but never doubted. This is due to the fact that Mr. Jie, the leader of his company, has been personally leading him, which has given him great spiritual support and positive influence. This is also the leadership style of Li Yuanheng all the time - "not to be a shopkeeper".

From the design, assembly and debugging of the equipment, the leadership to the front-line affairs must bow in person. A group of people love the process of turning a pile of iron into automatic equipment in their own hands. In the early days of the company, under the condition of limited scale and high project pressure, all the people worked hard together to build up the friendship of comrades in arms.



How to balance career and family? This is a problem that all workplace people will encounter. But general manager Jie once said to summer, "if there is a conflict between family and career, the family problems should be solved first."

When summer grew up as a leader, he also followed this principle and improved constantly. By giving girls a taxi subsidy for the next night shift, they think about the employees, unite people's hearts and gather strength. Why are more and more people willing to devote themselves to such a bitter manufacturing industry? Maybe a good leader is also the driving force for team members to love their work.

02Growth is rolling pin board, doing what others can't do

"It's been the proudest thing to participate in the research and development of the first generation of chemical capacity equipment in the past 10 years," summer said

Over the past five years, Huacheng capacity equipment has been continuously updated and iterated, and has gradually precipitated into the standard model, with sales volume of nearly 1000 units, which has won a good reputation in the industry. All this has to be said that five years ago, the group of people who were engaged in non-standard doggerel, because of their lack of experience for the first time, resulted in abnormal improvement of 30% of superelevation, which was almost the total overthrow of key institutions. Because of this experience, summer paid more attention to the research of technical agreements, design standards and industry standards. At the same time, the company also optimized and improved the production process of the equipment, designed and verified the key mechanisms of batch models in advance, avoiding risk points and effectively reducing costs in the early stage. It's hard to grow up, but looking back on the road, every step is down-to-earth.


Liyuanheng from the single equipment to the whole line, the whole factory custom research and development. Liyuanheng has never been content with the status quo and put himself in the comfort zone. He dares to face the high standards and strict requirements of the world's top 500 enterprises and leading enterprises in the industry. He has constantly tempered himself through customers and has done things that others can't do.

From the first hearing of EDS equipment safety standards to the establishment of their own standard group; from the first enterprise standard to the current enterprise standard manual and industry standard manual; from domestic certification to a series of international certification. In order to meet the customers' higher and higher requirements for standardization, Liyuanheng has become more and more standardized and powerful.

03 Engineering thinking is an essential way of thinking for every post

"The professional ability of purchasing staff is very important, but the purchasing staff with engineering thinking is very scarce in the industry. Engineering thinking can determine how far he can go on this road. "

From mechanical design to the standard group of the research institute to the current supply chain, summer has transferred two important functional centers of the company. The precipitation of different posts has forged his mature engineering thinking. The experience of mechanical design is compiled into a set of standards, and then the standardization thinking is used to narrow and optimize the supply chain brand. When it comes to the need for engineering thinking, summer said that the professional competence of purchasing staff is very important, but procurement personnel with engineering thinking are very scarce in the industry. Engineering thinking can determine how far he can go on this road.


In summer's current position, engineering thinking can help him to have in-depth ideas on purchasing decisions related to equipment and materials, and establish long-term cooperative relationship with suppliers. In the process of product selection, due to the fact that part of the supply chain personnel are from non professional background, product selection sometimes depends on our engineering personnel. This process is very time-consuming and laborious. When the project is urgent, it will delay the design task of our engineers themselves.

At this time, the design team brought by summer can participate in the front-end review, provide selection opinions and suggestions for design and assembly based on the application advantages of products, and connect customized products in series. Specially assigned person tracks and summarizes a set of standardized manual, which greatly reduces the purchasing time and labor cost. Liyuanheng has directly established stable cooperative relations with Omron, FESTO, abb, FANUC, Beckhoff, Siemens and other global famous brands for mutual benefit and win-win results.


After ten years of career, time is in a hurry, leaving traces of knowledge and experience in my mind. Every Liyuanheng person represented by summer is struggling and running


"We hope that our Liyuanheng people can have perseverance, perseverance, strict and high standards, innovative learning ability, artistic self-cultivation, good moral character, and both political integrity and ability."

——Li Yuan Heng, director Zhou

We are also looking forward to the vigorous vitality of the team.